REVIEW: Under Her Roof, A.A. Chaudhuri - 5/5

When Sebastian finds the perfect room to rent in the beautiful area of Hampstead, London, he cannot believe his luck. The rent is beyond affordable, and his beautiful landlady already holds his attention. However, when Sebastian finds out the fate of Adriana's last tenant and that someone has their eyes on him at all times, his ideal life takes a dark turn.

A. A. Chaudhuri is without a doubt one of my favourite authors. Each title I receive from her is a stunning, thrilling, wild ride and I am always in awe by the end. Under Her Roof is no different.

I always adore the beginning of Chaudhuri's books; Under Her Roof begins at the end, with someone on trial for murder. This was the best way to start this title, as while I was reading my mind was often cast back to the start, keeping me well intrigued.

After the e are then introduced to Sebastian, a young writer looking to move out of his friend Jasper's house and focus on his writing. Already, Chaudhuri has created a brilliant character for her readers to follow as we soon find out that the seemingly innocent Sebastian is harbouring a secret that could upend his life.

As Sebastian views the room in Serenity House, he becomes somewhat cautious of the situation as Max, the agent showing him the property, mentions what happened to Adriana's last lodger...

Once again, Chaudhuri has written her characters perfectly, as Sebastian is not the only point of view (POV) we hear from; we also have the POV of Adriana, the landlady. Both characters have their own secrets, worries and issues, but they could not be more different.

Not only are there two characters giving the readers different information and different points of interest to think about, there is also a third character.

This mystery character is the one watching both Sebastian, who of course takes the unbelievable offer on the room at Serenity House, and Adriana, who knows she's under observation.

Chaudhuri has a brilliant way of giving the reader just enough to work with while also hiding so much. Once again, her incredible writing kept me turning page after page, racing to the end of this title.

The mystery character holds a lot over both characters and as they try to keep their anxieties in check, Sebastian and Adriana are contacted separately by whoever blackmails them.

It is also through this unknown character that Sebastian's appearance is revealed; not only this, but Chaudhuri uses this character to delve into Adriana's past which was both traumatic and concerning.

Under Her Roof utilises showing not telling, as Chaudhuri revealed more and more throughout the plot but in such a way that both answered questions I had and created more; the perfect way to write a thriller.

Thanks to Chaudhuri's ability to write characters that are so well fleshed-out and are rich in intrigue and personality, the thoughts and actions they speak about add to the ongoing feelings of danger, dread and genuine fear.

The longer Sebastian stays under Adriana's roof, the more threats he gets from whoever is watching him and his landlady. Sebastian often thinks of the rules his landlady set, including banning him from speaking to the next-door neighbour, Stella. 

Delving into the past is something that can be hit-and-miss within books; chapters that focus on what happened previously in characters' lives can be too drawn out or don't have the fulfilling effect readers hope for - not in this book.

Each 'before' section in this book was unbelievably riveting and filled with information, revelations about both Sebastian and Adriana, and stories about what led each character to where they are now.

Chaudhuri is, and no doubt will always be an author I look forward to reading. Her skills in creating a thrilling plot, and characters you either root for or hope they get their come-uppance.

Under Her Roof is a danger-thrilled ride that does not let up, even for one page. Chaudhuri really has created an environment that scares her characters and forces them to reveal things that they wished to take to the grave.

Some thrillers wait till the end to showcase how incredible the plot is, but this title builds and builds the tension until one of the most incredible and unbelievable endings is revealed.

I absolutely adored this title, and already cannot wait for what Chaudhuri comes out with next.

Under Her Roof is out now!


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